Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Fearsome Pat Wa

What Jane saw as soon as she walked through those double doors was not what she expected. The room was filled with geometric shapes! Beneath her was a floor patterned with circles and ellipses on marble tiles. The walls on the other hand had a bunch of squares and rectangles engraved on them. It really was a sanctuary for everything math related.

Though the room itself was amazing, the current situation didn't allow Jane to take any breaks and stare at the scenery. She quickly turned her attention towards the end of the large room where she noticed someone eating yogurt from a large container while playing with a Matheboard. He clearly didn't notice Jane. Confused at the sight in front of her, Jane began to wonder whether the person she was seeing was really the fearsome Pat Wa she had heard about. Knowing that just thinking about it won't change anything, she and Derivee began to make their way towards the end of the hall.

"Hello...?" Jane directed at the person, her voice echoing off the walls of the room. The combination of the echo with her voice clearly got the attention the person. He stopped with what he was doing on the Matheboard and turned around to see Jane, huge yogurt container still in hand.

"Yes? What do you need?" He asked, seeming to not have a care in the world, which caught Jane off guard. Her initial thoughts of this man not being Pat Wa were reinforced with his reaction.

"Uh... I'm here to challenge the gym leader. Do you know where he is?"

"That would be me!"

Jane's jaw dropped as soon as he finished his statement. There was no way that this person in front of her was Pat Wa. All the rumors she had heard about him up till now didn't match with what she was seeing right in front of her. She had been expecting someone big and scary, with a frightening aura surrounding him. At the moment, she didn't see such a thing! Still wide eyed, she slapped herself to see if she wasn't imagining things. Nope, it was still the same person in front of her. "'re the gym leader, Pat Wa? I heard...different things about what type of person you would be." She began, still in disbelief. Derivee stood near her and yawned, clearly wanting to start a battle soon.

"I get that a lot. But yes, I'm the gym leader here. Welcome to Sixtopia," Pat Wa told her, taking a scoop from his yogurt and eating it.

Though the rumors didn't seem to match with the person she saw in front of her, Jane thought it didn't matter at all at this point. All that mattered was to challenge him and get one step closer to becoming a Mathemon master. She gathered all her courage and finally said with much determination, "I'm here to challenge you!"

"Vee!!" Derivee said to back up Jane.

In response to Jane's sudden spurt of courage, the gym leader, Pat Wa took one last bite of yogurt and then put it down on a nearby table. He then snapped and clicked his fingers together, creating a snapping clickity click sound. His actions were a bit odd and the aura around him seemed to change. Jane thought she saw him smirking with an evil radiance. Once he was done putting down his yogurt and snapping, he grabbed a meter stick on the side and pointed it towards Jane. "You're challenging me? Let's see if you can defeat me, unlike all the others!"